Developer Seminars

Are you looking for some quick topics to learn? My seminar series are just the thing. I have been teaching these seminars at user groups and conferences around the world. I can bring them to you and your team either in-person, or via a webinar. The list below contains a list of my seminars that I can teach to you and your team. I have several more specialized topics, so if you don't see what you are looking for, please contact me and ask. I may be able to accommodate you.

Mix and Match!

I am happy to present several seminars to you and your team. Just give me a list of which ones you would like, and I will schedule a time that works for you.


Paul has been in the IT industry since 1984. In that time he has successfully assisted hundreds of companies architect software applications to solve their toughest business problems. Paul has been a teacher and mentor through various mediums such as video courses, blogs, articles and speaking engagements at user groups and conferences around the world. Paul has multiple courses in the library on topics ranging from C#, LINQ, JavaScript, Angular, MVC, WPF, XML, jQuery and Bootstrap. Contact Paul at

All Seminars by Technology
# Seminars: 39

Technology Title Seminar Length Keywords
ASP.NET Core Essentials of Minimal Web APIs in .NET 1-2 hours MVC C# .NET .NET Core Web API Minimal Web API
Bootstrap Bootstrap: Beyond the Essentials 1-2 hours Bootstrap CSS HTML
Bootstrap Essentials of Bootstrap 1-2 hours Bootstrap CSS HTML
C# Create a Simple ORM using ADO.NET 1-2 hours C# ADO.NET .NET .NET Core
C# Cryptography Made Easy 1-2 hours C# Cryptography .NET .NET Core
C# Data Annotations: Not Just for MVC 1-2 hours C# Data Annotations .NET .NET Core
C# Get Started Unit Testing in VS 2022 1-2 hours C# .NET .NET Core Unit Testing
C# Write Efficient Code Using LINQ 1-2 hours C# LINQ .NET .NET Core
C# / .NET MAUI Eliminate Code using Data Binding in .NET MAUI 1-2 hours .NET MAUI C# .NET .NET Core
C# / .NET MAUI Essentials of .NET MAUI 1-2 hours .NET MAUI C# .NET .NET Core
C# / .NET MAUI List Controls in .NET MAUI 1-2 hours .NET MAUI C# .NET .NET Core
C# / .NET MAUI MVVM Made Easy for .NET MAUI Applications 1-2 hours .NET MAUI C# MVVM Dependency Injection DI .NET .NET Core
C# / XML A Design Pattern for Caching Frequently Used Data in XML 1-2 hours XML C# LINQ .NET .NET Core
C# / XML Essentials of XML Processing 1-2 hours XML C# LINQ .NET .NET Core
C# / XML LINQ to XML Makes Processing XML Documents Quick and Easy 1-2 hours XML C# LINQ .NET .NET Core
CSS An Easy Guide to Learning CSS 1-2 hours CSS CSS 3
CSS 3 Exploring the Features of CSS 3 1-2 hours CSS CSS 3
HTML An Easy Guide to Learning HTML 1-2 hours HTML
HTML 5 Taking Advantage of HTML 5 Features 1-2 hours HTML HTML 5
JavaScript / jQuery Apply SPA Techniques to JavaScript Applications 1-2 hours JavaScript jQuery
JavaScript / jQuery Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript 1-2 hours JavaScript jQuery
JavaScript / jQuery Calling a Web API using JavaScript/jQuery and Ajax 1-2 hours JavaScript jQuery Web API Ajax
JavaScript / jQuery Essentials of JavaScript and jQuery 1-2 hours JavaScript jQuery
JavaScript / jQuery Improve your Web Pages using Closures and Templating 1-2 hours JavaScript jQuery
JavaScript / jQuery Working with Geolocation and Google's Map API 1-2 hours JavaScript jQuery Google Geolocation
MVC (.NET Core) Enhance your MVC Applications using JavaScript and jQuery 1-2 hours MVC C# .NET .NET Core MVVM jQuery Ajax
MVC (.NET Core) Essentials of MVC in .NET 1-2 hours MVC C# .NET .NET Core
MVC (.NET Core) Essentials of Web API in .NET Using MVC 1-2 hours MVC C# .NET .NET Core Web API
MVC (.NET Core) Maintainable MVC Views using Partial Pages and MVVM 1-2 hours MVC C# .NET .NET Core MVVM
MVC (.NET Core) Use MVVM in MVC Applications 1-2 hours MVC C# .NET .NET Core MVVM
Node.js Create REST APIs with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express 1-2 hours JavaScript Web API REST jQuery Node.js Express
Node.js Creating a Website with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express 1-2 hours JavaScript jQuery Node.js Express
WPF A Message Broker Eliminates Strong Coupling 1-2 hours WPF C# .NET .NET Core
WPF Eliminate Code using Data Binding in WPF 1-2 hours WPF C# .NET .NET Core
WPF Essentials of WPF 1-2 hours WPF C# .NET .NET Core
WPF MVVM Made Easy for WPF Applications 1-2 hours WPF C# MVVM .NET .NET Core
WPF Secure Your WPF Applications 1-2 hours WPF C# Security .NET .NET Core
WPF The WPF List Box Can Do That?! 1-2 hours WPF C# .NET .NET Core
WPF WPF Styles, Resources and Templates 1-2 hours WPF C# .NET .NET Core