Pluralsight Courses by Paul D. Sheriff

Since 2013, I have been producing courses for I have created 32 courses for Pluralsight on topics ranging from C#, .NET, MVC, WPF, Angular, JavaScript, Node, Express, Geolocation, jQuery, XML, HTML, CSS, and others.

The complete list of my courses is below. I hope you find and enjoy a topic you are interested in.

View all my courses on by clicking here.

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# Courses: 32

Every developer knows they should be creating Unit Tests to improve the quality of their applications. This course will walk you through creating unit tests using Visual Studio. You will see how easy it is to get started with creating unit tests. In addition, you will learn how to simplify the unit test process by creating data-driven tests. Finally, you will automate your unit tests by scheduling them to run via the command line utility dotnet test.

#csharp #unittest #unittesting #testing #development #programming dotnet #dotnet6 #dotnet7 #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

To query and manipulate XML documents, .NET provides several great technologies. In this course, Working with XML in .NET 6, you'll learn to create, load, save, and query XML documents. First, you'll explore creating and modifying XML documents. Next, you'll discover loading, saving, validating, and various methods of querying data within XML files. Finally, you'll learn how to serialize C# objects as XML. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of XML needed to effectively and efficiently process XML files.

#csharp #xml #linq #linqtoxml #development #programming dotnet #dotnetcore #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

LINQ can filter and extract data from collections efficiently. In this course, LINQ Fundamentals in C# 10, you'll learn to apply LINQ queries to sets of data to extract meaningful information in an efficient manner. First, you'll explore how to create LINQ queries, where to learn more about LINQ, and how to select and order data from sets of data. Next, you'll discover how to filter data, get distinct values, and identify the kind of data contained within collections. Finally, you'll learn how to work with multiple sets of data, group data into sets, and aggregate data to produce statistics for solving business problems. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of LINQ needed to apply queries in your everyday applications to produce data efficiently.

#csharp #linq #development #programming dotnet #dotnetcore #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

It can be hard to find good information about creating a security system for your Angular applications. In this course, Angular Security Using .NET 5 and JSON Web Tokens, you'll learn to create an authentication and authorization system in Angular. First, you'll explore how to secure UI elements on the client-side. Next, you'll discover how to secure your Web APIs using JSON Web Tokens. Finally, you'll learn how to build a claims-based system for your Angular applications. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of Angular and JSON Web Tokens needed to secure your own Angular and Web API applications.

#csharp #angular #security #typescript #webapi #development #programming dotnet #dotnet6 #dotnet7 #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

LINQ can filter and extract data from collections much more efficiently and with less code. In this course, C# Language-Integrated Query (LINQ), you'll learn over 60 LINQ queries using C#. First, you'll explore why you should use LINQ, how to select, order, filter and extract data using LINQ queries. Next, you'll discover how to use LINQ queries to work with multiple collections, group and aggregate data. Finally, you'll learn what goes on under the hood with LINQ queries by understanding deferred execution. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of LINQ needed to query data efficiently and with less code from any collection of data.

#csharp #linq #development #programming dotnet #dotnet5 #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Every developer knows they should be creating Unit Tests to improve the quality of their applications. This course will walk you through creating unit tests using Visual Studio. You will see how easy it is to get started with creating unit tests. In addition, you will learn how to simplify the unit test process by creating data-driven tests. Finally, you will automate your unit tests by scheduling them to run via the command line utility dotnet test.

#csharp #unittest #unittesting #testing #development #programming dotnet #dotnet5 #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

In this course, you find out why ADO.NET is still relevant in today's ORM world. First you learn how to connect and submit queries to a database. Next you learn the fastest way to retrieve data using a DataReader. You then learn to handle exceptions and report back great debugging information. Disconnected classes such as a DataTable, DataSet and DataViews are explored next. Working with a the ADO.NET builder classes help automate some of your ADO.NET code. Finally, you see a great set of wrapper classes you can use to eliminate up to 90% of the ADO.NET code you used to have to write, without sacrificing efficiency. When you are finished with this course you will have the skills and knowledge to access databases in the most efficient manner possible, while using the least amount of code. Software required: Visual Studio 2019, .NET 5, C#.

#csharp #adonet #dotnet #dotnet5 #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

What are the best methods for reading and writing XML documents in C#? In this course, XML Fundamentals in C#, you will gain foundational knowledge to process XML files and use XML to enhance your business applications. First, you will learn to process XML documents using LINQ to XML. Next, you will discover how to write XPath queries. Following that, you will see how to add, edit, and delete data within an XML document. XML serialization is explored to show you how to save a .NET object to an XML file, and then restore that XML as a .NET object. Finally, you will explore how to cache frequently used database data as a local XML file, and to detect when server data changes so you can update your local file. When you're finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of XML needed to process XML documents in C#. Software required: Visual Studio 2019, .NET 5, SQL Server, C#.

#xml #csharp #linq #linqtoxml #dotnet #dotnet5 #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

In this course, Interacting with Data using jQuery and AJAX you'll learn to make Ajax calls using jQuery. First, you'll explore the history of Ajax with the JavaScript language. Next, you'll discover how to use Promises and jQuery to retrieve and submit data via a Web API server. Finally, you'll learn how to build an HTML form and submit user data using jQuery objects and methods. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of jQuery Ajax needed to manipulate data on an HTML page, retrieve, and submit that data via a Web API server.

#javascript #restapi #webapi #node #nodejs #jquery #ajax #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

With the amount of mobile applications and the need for fast websites, REST API developers are in high demand. In this course, JavaScript REST APIs: Getting Started, you'll learn to build a simple Node.js and express server and create a set of endpoints. First, you'll be shown how to build an endpoint to retrieve data. Next, you'll discover how to create endpoints for POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE. Then, you'll delve into the different HTTP status codes you should return from each endpoint. Next, you'll explore how to handle exceptions and return a standardized JSON document. Finally, you'll see how to call your REST APIs from JavaScript using the XMLHttpRequest object. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of Node.js, Express, and JavaScript needed to build your own REST APIs for use in mobile or other applications.

#javascript #restapi #webapi #node #nodejs #jquery #ajax #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

In this course, Working with Geolocation in HTML, you'll learn to retrieve a user's location from their browser and show their location on a map. First, you'll explore the geolocation object available in all modern browsers. Next, you'll discover how to display that location on a map. You will then learn to use Google maps to place markers at that location. Next, you'll use Google Maps to get directions from one location to another. Finally, you'll learn how the Geocoding features of Google Maps will then be used to search for addresses. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of geolocation and geocoding needed to embed and use mapping software within any HTML page.

#javascript #googlemap #html #geolocation #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

WPF is a great way to build modern desktop applications. In this course, WPF for the Visual Basic Programmer, you will learn the basics of XAML and how to create a business application using WPF. First, you will discover flow and grid layout for designing screens. Next, you will see how to effectively reuse user controls and apply styles to your controls to make your application look great. Then, you will explore data-binding and the MVVM design pattern to write less code. Finally, you will dive into the powerful WPF ListBox control. When you are finished with this course, you will have gained the skills and knowledge of WPF and XAML to be able to build screens for business applications.

#wpf #vb #visualbasic #development #programming dotnet #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

In this course, JavaScript Syntax and Operators, you expand your knowledge of the JavaScript language. First, you learn all about the switch statement and the difference between for/in and for/of. Next, you discover the various math, comparison and logical operators. You then see how to handle exceptions and determine the data type of variables. Finally, you explore the 'this' keyword and the spread operator. When you are finished with this course, you will have gained the skills and knowledge of JavaScript syntax and operators needed to propel your JavaScript applications to the next level.

#javascript #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

In this course you learn the syntax of the Visual Basic language so when you are done, you will have a foundational knowledge on how to program applications in .NET. First you learn about .NET and Visual Basic for development. Next you learn about variables, operators and constants. You then learn object-oriented principles and how to create reusable DLLs. Collections such as ArrayList, Dictionary and generic List objects are explored next. Finally, you learn about if statements and loop constructs. Along the way you build several reusable DLLs, a WPF application and an MVC application. When you are finished with this course you will have the skills and knowledge to build .NET applications using Visual Basic.

#vb #visualbasic #fundamentals #dotnet #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Building business applications in WPF is easier if you have a great starting architecture. After that, you need a few tools such as a splash screen, a message broker, and a design pattern for building business screens. In this course, Playbook WPF: Creating Flexible WPF Business Application Screens, you will create a design pattern that you can use to develop your WPF business applications. First, you will learn to create a splash screen to display while your application is loading and how to load controls dynamically. Next, you will explore how to use a message broker to display status messages, build two user controls to display login and user feedback screens, and validate data. Finally, you will discover how to create a design pattern for master/detail screens. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of WPF needed to create any business application. Software required: Visual Studio 2017, .NET 4.5+, SQL Server, WPF.

#wpf #csharp #dotnet #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Offline web applications are becoming very prevalent today. In order to create an offline web application, you must take into account where to store data. A great option is to use PouchDB. In this course, PouchDB Playbook: Simplify Offline Web Application Storage, you will learn to store and retrieve data from a client-side database using PouchDB's NoSQL API. First, you will see how to add, edit, and delete documents, and perform bulk update and retrieval. Then, you will discover how to use Mango queries and the find() API. Finally, you will learn to use map and reduce queries to create design documents and gather statistics. By the time you are finished, you will have enough knowledge to start using PouchDB immediately in your own offline web application.

#pouchdb #javascript #jquery #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Applications must take security into account, and Angular applications are no exception. In this course, Angular Security Using JSON Web Tokens, you will create an authentication system and an authorization system that can be used on both the client side and the server side. First, you will learn how Angular applications must have secure UI elements on the client side, and secure your Web API calls on the server side. Then, you will use Angular, Visual Studio Code, JSON Web Tokens, claims, roles, and a .NET Core Web API to secure your Angular applications. By the end of this course, you'll know exactly how to implement a flexible, claims-based security system, you can use in a small, medium, or large Angular application.

#security #csharp #angular #typescript #json #jwt #jsonwebtokens #webapi #dotnet #dotnet5 #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Most programmers know you should not hard-code values in your application. In this course, Building Reusable Angular Services: Configuration Management, you will learn how to create a service to supply values to your application and avoid hard-coding. Next, you will learn to store default values in a JSON file, local storage, and in a SQL Server table. In addition, you will explore how to let the user set their own default values. Using the service built in this course will allow you to eliminate hard-coding in your application. At the end of this course, you will have a service you can use in your Angular applications to eliminate hard-coded values.

#angular #typescript #configuration #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Professional programmers know that logging errors and being able to track what is going on within an Angular application is essential. In this course, Building Reusable Angular Services: Logging, you'll learn how to design an Angular service to perform logging more efficiently and with more flexibility than just using console.log(), by creating an extensible Angular service to log any data to a variety of locations. First, you'll explore how to build a simple console logging class, a class to log to local storage, and a class to post log information to a Web API. Additionally, you'll delve into building different types of log entries, such as debug, informational, error, and warnings. Finally, you'll discover how to create a JSON configuration file to control where you log the data. By the end of this course, you'll have a great start on your logging service that can be used in your own applications. This service can replace all your console.log() calls to provide a better, and more flexible approach to logging.

#angular #typescript #logging #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Your boss wants you to add some new functionality to your large MVC application. You want to learn Angular and your boss is okay with you using Angular, as long as you don't have to rewrite your existing application. You know you can just keep all your old MVC pages in place, but add new pages in Angular. In this course, Add Angular to MVC Applications, you'll learn how to add, or even replace pages in an MVC application without affecting the rest of your application. First, you'll explore how to integrate Angular into your project, and how to replace an MVC page. Next, you'll develop Web API's to serve the data from your back-end data storage and reuse the view models your MVC controllers call. Finally, you'll cover how to handle validation errors both on the client and server-side. By the end of this course, you'll be efficiently using pure HTML calling Web API's through Angular.

#angular #typescript #mvc #csharp #dotnet #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Your boss has tasked you with moving more of your code to the client-side from your MVC application. You have two pages to convert, a mailing address, and a credit card page. You decide to turn to AngularJS to help you develop these pages. You are going to use your existing set of database tables, but you will develop Web API calls and the front-end pages in HTML5, Bootstrap and AngularJS to help you meet the goals your boss has set for you.

#angular #typescript #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Speeding up your MVC or web form applications is always worthwhile, but seldom easy. However, you can use Angular to make this process easier. In this course, The Journey from MVC to Angular, you're going to learn to slowly convert an MVC webpage to use Angular for all your searching, listing, adding, editing, deleting, and validation of data. First, you'll learn why you need more client side code and how it can benefit you. Then, you'll learn how to add, edit, and delete without postbacks. Finally you'll learn some tips and trick on the validation of data. By the end of this course you'll feel comfortable using Angular to handle standard web page functionality.

#angular #typescript #csharp #mvc #dotnet #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Paul's Training Company has developed a web site to input their product data. Your boss wants you to add a login screen and more pages to the site. Unfortunately, he needs it done quickly, so that means you need to work smarter. He wants all the controls to use Bootstrap and take advantage of HTML 5. Working with the limited set of HTML Helpers in MVC means you have to add a lot of custom attributes. This takes more time to code and leads to potential runtime errors. If you had more flexible HTML Helpers that added HTML 5 and Bootstrap CSS for you, this would speed up development and testing. In this course you learn to build a set of MVC HTML Helpers to do just this.

#html #csharp #mvc #dotnet #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Paul's Training Company needs a web page to add, edit, delete, list and search for products at their company. You have been tasked with building this page using MVC 5, but don't want to use the five separate pages generated from the Visual Studio 2013 scaffolding engine. Instead you want to combine all those pages together in a “SPA”-like technique. You also want to take advantage of MVVM so you can reuse all data access and validation in a mobile application that is to come in the future. In this course I will walk you through how to use all of these tools to accomplish this SPA-like technique in your MVC applications and improve your testability and reusability.

#spa #csharp #mvc #dotnet #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

This course will use a step-by-step approach for showing the student how to build several UI widgets using HTML, HTML 5, CSS/CSS3 and Bootstrap. The overall project for this course is a simple Music Site that shows how to build all these widgets. There will be step-by-step demos for each module to illustrate the concepts of building custom UI widgets. We will use Visual Studio 2013 to build the HTML, however, any editor can be used as we will not be using any Microsoft-specific technology. The concepts in this course can be applied equally to PHP, MVC, Web Forms, or any web development system. At the end of the course the student will have built several ready-to-use UI widgets they can incorporate into their own web projects right away.

#html #css #bootstrap #javascript #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Creating your own bootstrap template that you can reuse across many applications is simple. In this course you will build up a collection of components that you build into an MVC application. You will create both horizontal and vertical data-driven menu systems. You will see some jQuery libraries that can add great functionality to your MVC apps. In addition you will learn when you should use a library versus when you should create your own. You will see a collection of cool UI widgets that are much smaller than those you will download on the web. You will see how to create tables that can sort and page data both client-side and server-side. Finally you will learn to build maintenance pages with search, add, edit, and delete capabilities all one a single page.

#html #css #bootstrap #javascript #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Most of us build typical business web sites using ASP.NET Web Forms. We are now being asked to build these as mobile-aware web sites. Using Bootstrap is a great place to start and Web Forms can do all of this - without having to learn MVC. This course will teach you how to build business applications using Web Forms, Bootstrap, HMTL5 and CSS3. You will be shown how to create standard business pages such as a Member Log In, Forgot Password, Member Sign Up, About, Contact Us, Address, Member Profile, Credit Card, and many others. You will also learn how to create navigation for your business application.

#html #css #bootstrap #webforms #javascript #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Visual Basic Programmers are still in demand. Upgrade your skills by learning XAML and WPF. This course is specifically designed for the Visual Basic programmer and will get you up to speed quickly with WPF. In Part 2 you will learn the correct way to design WPF windows, how to use styles and all the most commonly used controls for business applications. You will gain a good knowledge of data binding and how to use the various list controls in WPF.

#wpf #vb #visualbasic #dotnet #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Visual Basic Programmers are still in demand. Upgrade your skills by learning XAML and WPF. This course is specifically designed for the Visual Basic programmer and will get you up to speed quickly with WPF. In Part 1 you will learn the correct way to design WPF windows, how to use styles and all the most commonly used controls for business applications. You will gain a good knowledge of data binding and how to use the various list controls in WPF.

#wpf #vb #visualbasic #dotnet #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

Have you ever wanted to break out of the corporate life and be your own boss? Many people have this dream. In this course you will learn what it takes to start and be successful in your own consulting business. Throughout this course you will learn how to determine what your company should look like, how to manage your money wisely, how to get and keep clients, how best to survive the ups and downs of the economy and how to create an exit strategy. Your instructor has been running his own successful business for over 25 years and shares his valuable insight so you too can be a success!

#business #entrepreneur #businessownership #success #pauldsheriff

Did you know that you can use XML instead of a SQL database for applications? Did you know there is LINQ to XML that allows you to process XML documents quickly and efficiently? If the answer is no to either of these two questions, then you need to watch this course. XML files are very common in today's programming world. You will most likely need to read files, write files and query XML within your applications. .NET provides a rich set of XML processing classes that you can use to perform all these functions. C# allows you to easily create, read and query XML files using XPath, LINQ to XML and other methods. In this course you will learn to read and write XML files using the various .NET classes. You will see some real-world uses of XML files in applications.

#csharp #xml #linq #linqtoxml #development #programming dotnet #pluralsight #pauldsheriff

There are so many cool things you can do with WPF that would be impossible or very difficult with Windows Forms. In this course you will see some creative ways to use the WPF List Box. Some screens that you can use right away in your business applications will be presented. You will learn some unique ways to put together user controls to create unique shapes. Finally you will create a shell application to make your WPF application look like Windows 8. This course goes way beyond the basics of WPF to give you some unique insights on how to create business applications.

#wpf #csharp #dotnet #development #programming #pluralsight #pauldsheriff